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in pig health and productivity.

Tips on Academia
Dr. Hans Nauwynck
The relationship between academics, private business and the farm
Our host, Miquel Collell, Global Technical Director Swine at MSD Animal Health, talks with Dr. Hans Nauwynck, Head of the Laboratory of Virology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Ghent University, in Belgium. Their conversation revolves around the communication between academia and pharmaceutical laboratories, as well as towards the final recipient, the farmer.
Dr. Nauwynck presents his vision from the point of view of a long-standing academic, but with close contact with the industry and the owner of the animals. That knowledge transfer has changed quite a bit over the years, but it still needs improvement. Is the relationship with our customers, pig farmers, the most effective? Is there a two-way flow of knowledge? What could be improved? Pay attention to his thoughts, because they are a master class in common sense and experience.
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Dr. Hans Nauwynck
Full professor and director of the Laboratory of Virology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Ghent University. Expert in Viral Disease Management and researcher of viral pathogenesis and viral disease control. Doctorate with distinction in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Ghent. Diplomate at the European College of Pig Health Management.